Posts with the category “pastoral-message”

Catechism for 2021
by Julie Salyer on December 23rd, 2020
Starting the first Sunday of 2021 we will be starting a new Catechism for next year. Click to read more!  Read More
Prayer and Fasting 10/28/20
by Julie Salyer on October 28th, 2020
Today will be our last official day of our season of prayer and fasting, at least for now. John Piper said, "Christian fasting, at its root, is the hunger of a homesickness for God." Are you homesick for God today?  Read More
Prayer and Fasting 10/21/20
by Julie Salyer on October 21st, 2020
Dear Living Grace, I trust you are doing well, and I want to encourage you as we head into our second to last official days of prayer and fasting.  Read More
Prayer and Fasting 10/14/20
by Julie Salyer on October 14th, 2020
Good morning LG! As we pray and fast today (as you are able) let's remember to pray for these important items  Read More
LG Livestreaming Sunday Services
by Julie Salyer on October 8th, 2020
We want to let you know that we now have the capability to livestream our Sunday night services and will be doing so beginning this coming Sunday (October 11th)  Read More
Prayer and Fasting 9/30/20
by Julie Salyer on September 30th, 2020
I thought this was a terrific quote from someone I wouldn't have expected it to come from: "Prayer is reaching out after the unseen; fasting is letting go of all that is seen and temporal..."  Read More
Prayer and Fasting 9/23/20
by Julie Salyer on September 23rd, 2020
Today we have another opportunity to live out our desire to hunger for the things of God more than for the things of this world as we practice the discipline of fasting  Read More
Prayer and Fasting 9/16/20
by Julie Salyer on September 16th, 2020
Here are a few things for us to be specifically praying for as we fast and pray today... Bless you Living Grace as we seek the face of the Lord today!  Read More
Prayer and Fasting 9/9/20
by Julie Salyer on September 10th, 2020
I hope you are well and excited about another day of prayer and fasting before our good God. I know this isn't easy, but it's important. Thank you in advance for making the sacrifice and the discipline to join us in prayer for these important things.  Read More
Prayer & Fasting 9/2/20
by Julie Salyer on September 2nd, 2020
Today we begin our journey of prayer and fasting, and I wanted to take a moment to direct our prayers for today.  Read More
Congregational Call to Prayer
by Julie Salyer on August 27th, 2020
I would like to ask you to pray and fast with us as elders for a season as we pray for several important items in front of us as a congregation.  Read More
Worship Service Reminder & Encouragement
by Julie Salyer on July 17th, 2020
In all of the uncertainly this week, we want to assure you that we will be meeting this Sunday night at 6:00PM at Laurelglen Bible Church. I will be preaching on Psalm 24, and it is a sermon I’ve been looking forward to all Summer. I hope to see you there.  Read More
Coming Back to Church
by Julie Salyer on June 23rd, 2020
These have indeed been uncertain and difficult days, for us personally and as a congregation. I hope you will find this article helpful and encouraging as we move into our "new normal" for the days ahead.  Read More




